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General Management

GDBA Training Program


The General Management Unit is worried about the initiative and administration of the endeavor all in all. This worry envelops:

the individual esteems and characteristics of viable general chiefs and endeavor pioneers;

the methods of insight, qualities, and systems that illuminate fruitful endeavors; and

the connection of big business to the more extensive group and other outer bodies electorate.


Chapter 1

Time spent in carrying out managerial functions

Skills and Management levels

Approaches to Management

The Management process or Operational approach Input – Output Model

Systems approach to Management


Chapter 2

The organization and its external environment

Forms of International Business


Chapter 3

Close relationship of Planning and controlling

Steps in Planning

Relationship of objectives and the organizational hierarchy

Systems approach to Management by objectives


Chapter 4

Strategic planning process model

The TOWS Matrix

Dynamics of TOWS Matrix Analysis

Business Portfolio Matrix


Chapter 5

Bases for selecting from among alternative courses of action

Nature of problems and decision Making in the organization


Chapter 6

The formal and Informal organization

Organisation Structures with Narrow and wide spans

Management by processes

Organizing Process

Chapter 7

A functional Organization grouping  (Manufacturing company)

A territorial, or geographic, organization grouping

Customer departmentation in a large bank

Matrix organization in engineering

Typical strategic business unit organization in a large industrial chemical company

Chapter 8

Line and staff organization of a typical manufacturing company

Functional authority delegation

Centralization and decentralization as tendencies


Chapter 9

The formal and informal or informational organization


Chapter 10

Systems approach to staffing

Manager inventory chart

Personnel actions based on manager supply and demand within the enterprise

Systems approach to selection


Chapter 11

The appraisal process

Formulation of career strategy


Chapter 12

Manager development process and training

Training needs analysis

Moving an organizational equilibrium

A model of the organization development process


Chapter 13

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Comparison of mallow’s and Herzberg’s theories of motivation

The porter and Lawler motivation Model

Equity theory


Chapter 14

The flow of influence with three leadership styles

The Managerial Grid

Conium of Manager – non-manager Behavior

Fielder’s Model of leadership

Path – goal approach to leadership effectiveness


Chapter 15

Increased complexity of relationships through increase in-group size

Which comparison line is the same length as the standard line?


Chapter 16

A communication process Model

Information Flow in an organization


Chapter 17

Feedback Loop of Management control

Comparison of simple feedback and feed forward systems

System of Inputs for feed forward inventory control


Chapter 18

Matrix for E- Commerce


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GDBA Training Program by NIMS