Total Safety Management

EMBA Program


Executive MBA Course in Total Safety Management

Total safety management can be defined as the systematic approach to managing safety in organizational structures by applying principles, framework, and processes to help prevent accidents, injuries and to minimize other risks. Total safety management includes four main components divided into twelve elements which are objectives and policies of safety includes the elements of management commitment and responsibility, safety accountabilities, appointment of key safety personnel and etc, safety risk management consisting of hazard identification and risk assessment and mitigation, safety assurance and the fourth component is safety promotion. EMBA course provides the detailed knowledge of all components of total safety management. Students get aware of the topics similar to industrial health and hygiene, industrial safety standards, safety administration, measures to prevent accidents, safety hazards and etc through Executive MBA course in total safety management. The other aspects of this course are the following:

  • Being the safety manager, you will be responsible for providing a workplace that is free from serious safety and health hazards by continuously monitoring the workplace.
  • The individuals who are in the field of total safety management have to be careful about providing appropriate safety and health and accident prevention training.
  • The individuals of this field may get the jobs under the profiles of corporate safety manager, loss control specialist, industrial hygienist, maintenance supervisor and etc.

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An Executive MBA, or EMBA, is a graduate-level business degree. This program is a ton like a normal MBA program. The fundamental distinction is that an executive MBA program is essentially intended to educate and upgrade the professions of working administrators, supervisors, entrepreneurs, and different business pioneers.

The program is completed in a period of one to two years.

In NIMS EMBA, there are 8 subjects including 1 specialization.

After Graduation with 5 years work experience can do EMBA course.

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EMBA Program by NIMS