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Software Management

DBA Training Program


Software Management is a general expression used to portray a class of PC programming intended to help streamline the intricacy of substantial ventures and undertakings and additionally encourage teamcollaboration and task revealing. Most administration programming arrangements can likewise deal with asset and worker administration, plan coordination, undertaking task, planning, time and hazard examination and the sky is the limit from there.


Software management is a wide term that can likewise apply tofinancial administration programming, arrange administration programming, client relationship administration programming, resource administration programming or stock administration programming.

1. Introduction to Software Engineering

2. Planning a Software Project

3. Software Cost Estimation

4. Software Requirements Definition

5. Software Design

6. Implementation Issues

7. Modern Programming Language Features

8. Verification and Validation Techniques

9. Software Maintenance

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DBA means Diploma Program in Business Administration.

DBA is a 1-year professional course.

In NIMS DBA, there are 4 subjects including 1 specialization.

After 10+2, anyone can do DBA course.

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DBA Training Program by NIMS