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Health Management

DBA Training Program


Health administration or healthcare administration is the field relating to leadership, management, and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals, and hospital networks.


Chapter 1: An overview of the U.S. Health System

Health Expenditures


Ambulatory care

Other health care institutions and provider

The New Organizations in town


Chapter 2: The health care industry: A Managerial Model The Profit Sector

The Non Profit Sector


Managerial Matrix

Goal Clarity

The Management role


Chapter 3:  Setting Objectives in the Health Industry

Real Stated goals

Goal setting

Identification of organizational goals

Constraints on Health System goals


Chapter 5:  Management in Industry and Health care

Expectations from Managers

Values and ethics in Management

Entering Management

On becoming the CEO


Chapter 6: The Board of directors

Board role and responsibility

Board effectiveness

Board / Management relations


Chapter 7: Structure and staffing of health care organizations

Central concepts

Values of organizational structure



Chapter 8: Financial Management of Health care organizations

Financial components of Health care


Elements of Health care finance

Special issues

The Budgetary Process


Chapter 9: Legal Imperatives for Health care administrators






Chapter 10: Corporate compliance: An overview

False claims act

Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse

Kickbacks, Self-referrals, and Stark II


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DBA means Diploma Program in Business Administration.

DBA is a 1-year professional course.

In NIMS DBA, there are 4 subjects including 1 specialization.

After 10+2, anyone can do DBA course.

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DBA Training Program by NIMS