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Cost & Management Accounting

DBA Training Program


Cost & Management Accounting is a type of administration bookkeeping that is intended to enable entrepreneurs to foresee how much operational expense. The motivation behind this type of bookkeeping is to abstain from going over spending so organizations can clutch however much of their incomes as could reasonably be expected.


Chap 1: Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting

Chap 2: Direct Material

Chap 3: Direct Labour

Chap 4: Overheads

Chap 5: Output, job, batch and operation costing

Chap 6: Contract costing

Chap 7: Service Costing

Chap 8: Process costing, joint products and by- products

Chap 9: Reconciliation and integration of cost and financial Accounts.

Chap 10: Uniform Costing, inter-firm comparisons and cost audit

Chap 11: Marginal Costing

Chap 12: Break-even and CVP analysis

Chap 13: Budgeting and Budgetary control

Chap 14: Standard costing and Variance analysis

Chap 15: Differential, Opportunity and Relevant costing

Chap 16: Learning curve and cost control

Chap 17:  Introduction to financial management

Chap 18:  Ratio Analysis

Chap 19:  Funds flow analysis

Chap 20:  Cash flow analysis

Chap 21:  Working capital management

Chap 22:  Treasury Management

Chap 23:  Receivables Management

Chap 24: Capital Budgeting

Chap 25: Sources of short, medium and long term finance

Chap 26: Cost of capital, operating and financial leverages

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DBA means Diploma Program in Business Administration.

DBA is a 1-year professional course.

In NIMS DBA, there are 4 subjects including 1 specialization.

After 10+2, anyone can do DBA course.

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DBA Training Program by NIMS