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Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Management

Business Administration


1.      Introduction

2.      Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle

3.      Vapour Compression System

4.      Refrigerants

5.      Multi pressure Systems

6.      Refrigerant Compressors

7.      Condensers

8.      Expansion Devices

9.      Evaporators

10.    Complete Vapour Compression System

11.    Gas Cycle Refrigeration

12.    Vapour Absorption System

13.    Ejector Compression System

14.    Properties of Moist Air

15.    Psychrometry of Air Conditioning Processes

16.    Design Conditions

17.    Solar Radiation

18.    Heat Transfer through Building Structures

19.    Load Calculations and Applied Psychometrics

20.  Design of Air Conditioning Apparatus

20.    Transmission and Distribution of Air

21.    Fans

22.    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Control

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BBA is a three years undergraduate course.

The program is for 3years; however we give this facility to our students wherein they can finish the program any time between 6 months to 3 years.

BBA course provides a general foundation in business administration including Marketing, HR, Finance, & Administration Management.

If you are talking about the validity then it is equivalent. But in terms of the course curriculum, I would say our BBA would be a little better as we update our curriculum every 6 months as compared to universities 2-3 years.

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Business Administration by NIMS