Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Management

EMBA Program


Executive MBA Course in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Management

The goal of the EMBA course in refrigeration & air conditioning management is to provide a broad introduction to the systems of air conditioning and refrigeration which includes everyday operation and important refrigerant safety practices. Executive MBA course in refrigeration & air conditioning management also covers an introduction to commercial and industrial chillers along with regulatory laws and rules of energy conservation and the other topics are safe handling, cost, and location, industrial controls, technology, communication and etc. The other aspects of this course are the following:

  • Being in the field of refrigeration air conditioning, the individuals need to develop, install, test and maintain equipment that transmits or use power along with giving advice on the building and repair of machines and tools.
  • The individuals can get jobs in various industries in many profiles such as sales manager, refrigeration project manager, refrigeration manager, mechanical project manager and etc.
  • The individuals would be able to enhance their problem-solving skills and get the ability to perform precise calculations when installing or evaluating systems.

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An Executive MBA, or EMBA, is a graduate-level business degree. This program is a ton like a normal MBA program. The fundamental distinction is that an executive MBA program is essentially intended to educate and upgrade the professions of working administrators, supervisors, entrepreneurs, and different business pioneers.

The program is completed in a period of one to two years.

In NIMS EMBA, there are 8 subjects including 1 specialization.

After Graduation with 5 years work experience can do EMBA course.

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EMBA Program by NIMS